I don't really know what to say about this show. I guess it was like absurdism, for children?
All in gibberish + Foley sounds.
Object manipulation - not necessarily clear-cut characters or a narrative.
Sometimes I was like yeeeee I get what's happening right now and then next moment I'd be like oh hold on wait that women's legs are also their own character sometimes but then sometimes she needs them to walk but they also stretch...
It was very like fluid n changeable like a dream like Studio Ghibli but more confusing but pretty cool to be honest I was very impressed with the performers' dedication and ASMR and I think I enjoyed it more when I stopped trying to 'get' it and just let it happen cos to be honest I didn't really get it but I'm not sure if I was missing something or if there was not much to get and it was just kinda silly.
I think there was something in drought/the environment/climate change cos all the cool ASMR/Foley was made up of scrap materials and the woman puppet seemed to be on an adventure trying to fill her water bottle cos she ran out of water and there was a rain cloud but for some reason it couldn't give her water, not sure why, and apart from that, I didn't understand much else to be honest, here and there other funky silly characters popped up but yeah absurdism for children, no idea but it was pretty fun and do you know what maybe children have a better imagination than I do.
Star rating: