Try looking at your genitals in the mirror (or feeling them if you can't see them) and recreate what you find as art.
Take in the details
The folds
The wrinkles
Messy hair
Beauty spots
Zits, blemishes
Textures, colours
Fatty, fleshy
Flappy, floppy
Long, short
Take your paintbrush or your pencil or your pen or your whatever who cares just
Capture what is there
It's actually pretty cool.
Turns out most of us feel ashamed of our genitals
Ashamed to think about them
Talk about them
Look at them
I just think everyone should see this show
Eloina would sort us right out.
If everyone saw what she was doing,
Started thinking like her,
Really got into it,
Society would be much better.
That's it really.
I don't want to spoil the show - I'd rather let her say it for herself.
All I will say is, it's quite intense to come face to face with the truth sometimes
At times, this is not a pleasant show
At certain points, I think she could cut it down cos it gets a bit much
But somehow, High Steaks is one of the most important shows I've seen this year.
Eloina just breathes on stage
She does very little, in a way
She just *is* -
And totally, totally open.
Generous with her audience to an extent I haven't encountered before
And refreshingly, overwhelmingly kind towards herself.
She allows us, the audience, to be kind with her and in turn, we can start to look inwards with kindness and curiosity towards ourselves. Our own sore points. The bits we maybe never quite contended with.
Eloina soothes our collective wounds with the tender power of her presence.
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